Thursday, September 1, 2011

The future

Me: so what do you think you'll do for a job when you grow up?

Kid 1: ummmm...probably a unicorn trainer, but it depends on how college goes, you know (6 y.o.)

Kid 2: well, I'm just hoping I can still live with Mom and Dad cuz they say the real world is scary and I don't like monsters. (8 y.o.)

Kid 3: I'll be a firefighter cuz I like to rescue cats! (8 y.o.)

Kid 4: I know for sure that  I'm NOT going to be a grown up! (7 y.o.)

So, what are you going to be when YOU grow up?


  1. Very cute post! Right now Lily's been saying she wants to be a mommy when she grows up. She's fascinated by me breastfeeding Evie, and she frequently asks me "when I'm grown up and a mommy, can I breastfeed my sister Evelyn too?" I think she just wants that extra cuddle time that I get with Evie because I'm always feeding her!
